Numaco AG    

A selection of services completes our product range. This allows on one hand the realization of entire projects thanks to custom specific developments and on the other hand guarantees the trouble-free operation of the installed machines and programs due to repair and service.
Please contact us directly for more details.

Software Devlopment Top

The realization of complexe projects is enabled by the possibility to develop custom specific software. Besides the use of standard applications there is always a high amount of flexibility in software duties required for a seamless intergration. Our experienced programmers are always willing to help you.

Hardware Devlopment Top

Actually in the hardware business most is done today with standardized modules. However the possibility to develop custom specific hardware opens very often a door for an easier, more affortable and especially more user friendly solution. Electronics and controlling are the main working fields of our engineers.

Repairs Top

Our experienced service technicians repair our own as well as other peoples hardware fast and affortable on site or in the workshop. Because we are authorized service provider for several large manufacturers we do have the necessary possibilities for instruction and training and the documents to offer a faultless service.

Service Contracts Top

Numaco offers service contracts in harware business for all wishes:

  • Complete Service: On-site service contract with a maximum reaction time of 24 hours, which covers working time, travelling cost, expenses and spare parts.
  • Periodical Precaution Service: On-site service contract with predefined service intervals. It covers working time, travelling cost, expenses and spare parts.
  • Depot Service: Service in our official service loacation with a reaction time of 48 hours (without transportation). This contract covers working time and spare parts.
  • Depot Service incl. Periodical Precaution Service: The service contract combination with on-site service intervals and depot service in the official service location.

Numaco offers also support service contracts for software. They are always tailor made to the needs of the customer and cover help desk activity as well as on-site visits and shall guarantee the trouble-free operation of more complex software applications.


Numaco gives the installation, configuraion and fine-tuning of hard- and software on site a high priority and offers this service for all products. Some user training is of course always included.

Training Top

User training will be often forgotten. Numaco offerst instructions and training for users and administrators for machines and software directly on site.